Judge Finds No Probable Cause And Reduces Bail In Dwc Basketball Case
A brawl broke out after a scramble for a loose ball at the February 18th game between Daniel Webster College and Southern Vermont College. Daniel Webster College player Marquise Caudill, 22, currently of South Hadley, MA, was charged with a felony count of second-degree assault, accusing him of “stomping” Kyle Depollar, the Vermont player, after allegedly punching him in the face. Attorney Tim Bush who is representing Caudill argued “This is a basketball fight and to go from a fight to $50,000 is excessive and Caudill has already served way too much jail time.” Caudill has been held at Valley Street jail since the incident. Attorney Bush put Caudill on the stand and he was able to show he had no prior discipline problems on or off the basketball court. When Nashua Police Officer John Hannigan, who was working a security detail at the game, was on the stand he admitted he never actually saw Caudill stomp Depollar because of an obstructed view. Hannigan also revealed to Attorney Bush Depollar couldn’t confirm he was stomped on since his face was covered. After reviewing the evidence and testimony in the case Judge Lucinda Sadler ruled there was not enough evidence to support a felony charge and reduced Caudill’s bail from $50,000 to $2,500 cash or surety.
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