A Steadying Force In The Midst Of Crisis
Don't Give Up

What Happens If Someone Gets Hurt?

Any person who without intent, causes death or serious bodily injury to another person while operating a motor vehicle shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor punishable by up to 12 months in jail and a fine of $2,000.00, where that person’s unlawful operation the motor vehicle materially contributes to the collision.

If you are charged with Vehicular Assault, you need an experienced and effective criminal defense attorney to represent you immediately. A person convicted of this offense is guilty of a major motor vehicle offense, could face jail time, can pay heavy fines, and could lose his license.

Facing Charges? Contact Us.

The criminal defense lawyers at Wilson, Bush & Keefe have the proven record of success to defend you when you need it the most. Call us at 603-821-4802, or contact us online. After 5 p.m. and on weekends, call us at 603-809-0070.