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Potential changes to New Hampshire medical marijuana laws

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2017 | Marijuana Laws

At this point, it would be difficult not to notice that marijuana law reform has been sweeping the nation over recent years. According to the most recent data, over half of the states in the nation and the District of Columbia now allow the legal use of marijuana is some form. In many of these states, marijuana can be used for medical purposes alone.

As medical cannabis has been used in the treatment of certain ailments, more and more uses for the drug have come to light. The state of New Hampshire is now currently debating the passage of a bill that would further increase the list of conditions that would allow patients to use medical marijuana.

Medical marijuana use in New Hampshire

Under current state laws, eligible and qualified patients are allowed to possess up to two ounces of medical marijuana. In order to qualify for medical marijuana use, a patient must have a qualifying condition. Some qualifying conditions include,

· Cancer

· Epilepsy


· Multiple Sclerosis

· Parkinson’s Disease

· Seizures

· Nausea

· Severe pain

If a patient does have one of these conditions, they are able to apply for registration. However, there are only four medical marijuana dispensaries in the entire state of New Hampshire, so patients may have to travel significant distances to get their medication. Even so, it may be a more preferable alternative than narcotics.

Proposed changes

There are currently a group of five bills being evaluated by the New Hampshire House of Representatives. According to a recent article about the proposed bills, they would add opioid addiction, fibromyalgia, post-traumatic stress syndrome, myelitis, and chronic pain to the list of qualifying conditions for patients.

While the passage of these bills is currently being debated, it appears as though the nation as a whole is moving slowly toward nationwide marijuana legalization. This could be very beneficial for patients who do not believe that normally prescribed opioids are the best way to treat their conditions and who do not want to risk serious addiction and health problems.

Even so, New Hampshire’s marijuana laws still impose strict penalties on those individuals who are caught illegally possessing or distributing cannabis. If you are a patient who is considering moving toward marijuana as a medication, you should consult with your medical care provider. If you are facing potential marijuana-related criminal charges, it is suggested that you contact an experienced legal professional who will be able to provide guidance and legal support.