Many driving while intoxicated (DWI) cases involve crashes or unsafe driving. Police officers may perform chemical tests on those involved in collisions or might test those who demonstrate poor skill on the road. Occasionally, people get pulled over for unrelated...
DWI Charges
3 outside influences that can affect chemical breath tests
Some impaired driving allegations stem from poor control of a vehicle. Someone who swerves all over the road, slows down without reason or otherwise displays diminished ability might get stopped by police and then arrested. Other times, drunk driving allegations arise...
How long can someone lose their license for a DWI?
A New Hampshire driving while intoxicated (DWI) conviction can lead to numerous penalties. The courts can incarcerate a defendant who is convicted of such allegations. A judge can sentence a defendant to undergo educational programs. Probation and community service...
2 defense strategies for those who are facing DWI charges
Those who have been accused of drunk driving in New Hampshire might face multiple penalties, including jail time and a suspension of their driver's license. A first-time driving while intoxicated (DWI) offense is usually charged as a misdemeanor but could be charged...
What happens at a New Hampshire sobriety checkpoint?
If there is anything worse than seeing the flashing lights of a police vehicle behind you in traffic, it is rounding a corner or crusting a hill to spot a bank of police vehicles in front of you. For those who encounter a sobriety checkpoint, also known as drunk...
Your DWI could be costly
If you get a DWI, there are many consequences that result. However, one of the main things that people realize is just how expensive a DWI really is. A DWI is more expensive than just the intake or administrative fees. You may have to contend with the loss of a job or...
Yes, your allergy medicine could lead to a DWI
When you think about driving while intoxicated, or DWI, you probably imagine someone who has had a few too many alcoholic beverage before driving. That’s a common cause of DWIs, but drinking alcohol isn’t the only reason that DWIs can happen. DWIs are also common...
How does a New Hampshire DWI impact your license?
Getting pulled over and arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) can lead to a lot of stress and complications for your daily life. You will probably have to spend at least one night in jail while you wait for an arraignment. You will then have to navigate the...
Can a Z restriction help you get back on the road sooner?
Losing your license is arguably one of the most frustrating aspects of dealing with the fallout of an impaired driving charge in New Hampshire. Depending on the number of previous offenses on your record and other factors, like the refusal of a breath test, you could...
Can an underage DWI affect your college plans?
As you approach the last semester of your final year of high school, you may be looking forward to attending your dream college. After all, not only does a college education improve your future employment prospects, but it also affords a tremendous opportunity to meet...