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Attorney Keefe convinces judge not to revoke client’s bail

On Behalf of | Mar 7, 2017 | Criminal Defense

Despite prosecutors’ allegations that his client violated a no-contact order by communicating with a witness in his case, the judge agreed not to revoke Martin McHugh’s bail as his case moves forward in Hillsborough County Superior Court South.

Attorney Keefe was able to point out numerous instances where the witness contacted McHugh and was able to show the state had failed to meet its burden and offered no evidence to indicate his client made posts on a Facebook account.

McHugh was arrested in December 2015 for allegedly allowing a juvenile to watch him and his girlfriend engage in sex and again in August 2016 on allegations he contacted a witness numerous times encouraging her to give false statements to investigators.

After consideration, the judge issued a stern warning to McHugh to have no contact with the witness and to stay off Facebook completely.

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