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Why you can’t ignore someone’s request for a restraining order

On Behalf of | Mar 11, 2022 | Criminal Defense

When the relationship with your spouse or intimate partner starts falling apart, issues that used to be minor may start to seem like serious problems. Some couples work through these issues, but others end the relationship because they cannot resolve their ongoing conflict. One person may start pulling back emotionally or catastrophizing every little disagreement.

If you believe that a breakup or divorce is in your immediate future, your partner’s view of your actions may shift. It may not surprise you to learn that your romantic partner wants a restraining order. You may feel inclined to just ignore the request because you have no intention of contacting them once you go your separate ways.

However, most people accused of actions that would justify a restraining order in New Hampshire will want to defend themselves against those accusations in court.

A restraining order means major changes

Depending on the claims that the other party makes and the documentation they have to support those claims, the restraining order could impose many limitations on your life. You have to comply with those limitations or face enforcement actions.

You may have to move if you currently cohabitate with the other party. There may be rules against you so much as sending them a text message or walking into a business where they are currently conversing with friends. If you violate those restrictions, even if the other person has reached out to you since asking for the order, enforcement actions could lead to fines or even incarceration.

A restraining order can affect your other relationships

Since you don’t intend to violate the order, the request may not seem like an issue, but there are other concerns as well. The restraining order could impact your custody rights if you have children. A court order can make you look like a danger to the children. Even if the other party does not accuse you of misconduct toward the children that you share with them, their accusations could play a role in future custody proceedings.

Only by defending yourself can you protect the relationship with your children and your reputation from the damage that these claims could cause. Understanding the potential impact of a domestic violence restraining order can help you respond to a request for one appropriately.