During this time of year, many people celebrate the holidays at parties and gatherings with a number of alcoholic drinks. Unfortunately, for a time of year marked with increased alcohol consumption, so too is the number of alcohol-related offenses that occur. To help...
Year: 2014
What Are the Penalties for Possession and Manufacture and Sales of Marijuana in New Hampshire?
Possession. Currently in New Hampshire, it is a crime to knowingly possess marijuana. The penalties for breaking the law are outlined in N.H. RSA § 318-B:26 and may include a fine up to $2,000, up to one year in jail, or both.Manufacture and Sales. What about the...
Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana in New Hampshire
In New Hampshire, driving while under the influence of marijuana is a crime. Unlike alcohol, which requires a blood alcohol level of 0.08 percent to establish the driver is under the influence, any amount of marijuana in the driver's blood or urine will suffice...
Should I Consider a Plea Bargain in My Criminal Case?
A plea bargain is an agreement "between a criminal defendant and the prosecutor where the defendant agrees to plead guilty to some or all of the charges against him or her in exchange for concessions from the prosecutor," as stated by the Legal Information Institute,...
New Hampshire Criminal Statute of Limitations
NH Rev Stat Ann §625:8 provides a summary of the statute of limitations for criminal cases in the state of New Hampshire. Statutes of limitations prescribe periods of limitations for the bringing of certain kinds of legal action. With NH Rev Stat Ann §625:8,...
DUI/DWI Fines and Penalties in New Hampshire and a Review of Implied Consent
Chapter 265-A of the New Hampshire Statutes, titled "Alcohol or Drug Impairment" clearly defines what the law on this topic is and lists the penalties for offenses related to driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.In New Hampshire, the penalties for...
Can Facebook Posts Be Used As Evidence in a Divorce?
Statistics from 2013 estimate that Facebook has over 500 million users globally, and that 250 million people log in every day. Social networking sites, like Facebook, have quickly become the primary method for communicating with friends and family. Users readily share...
Are All New Hampshire DWI Checkpoints Legal?
DWI checkpoints, also known as sobriety checkpoints, are a controversial tool used by New Hampshire police departments to catch intoxicated drivers. During a DWI checkpoint, police officers set up a roadblock and stop drivers for a temporary detention in order to...
Do the Recent Supreme Court Ruling on Warrantless Searches of Cell Phones and NH HB1533 Apply to Students at School?
In a unanimous landmark decision regarding the search of cell phones, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in June that the police must obtain warrants before searching suspects' cell phones in almost all situations. The decision acknowledged that the ruling could make law...
New Law in New Hampshire Allows Panel Voir Dire in All Criminal Trials
Starting January 1, 2015, all trial attorneys in the state of New Hampshire will have the right to question panels of prospective jurors as part of jury selection. Civil attorneys have been able to conduct panel voir dire since 2005. By signing the bill into law in...