Parents need to play an active role in their children's lives, even into adulthood. There are numerous signs of a heroin addiction, including slowed breathing, extreme nausea, dry mouth and flushed skin. One of the hardest things for a parent to do is simply...
Year: 2017
How to tell if a teenager is using heroin
There is a drug epidemic in America. In fact, in a report published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse in 2012, it was found that nearly 669,000 Americans used heroin within the last year. That is an unacceptably high number, and it does not seem as...
How drug courts work in New Hampshire
Even relatively minor drug charges can have a damaging effect on a person's life, as our society takes drug-related transgressions very seriously. However, the justice system in New Hampshire and other states is coming to an increasing realization that, when...
Attorney Keefe convinces judge not to revoke client’s bail
Despite prosecutors' allegations that his client violated a no-contact order by communicating with a witness in his case, the judge agreed not to revoke Martin McHugh's bail as his case moves forward in Hillsborough County Superior Court South. Attorney Keefe was able...
Judge finds no probable cause and reduces bail in DWC basketball case
A brawl broke out after a scramble for a loose ball at the February 18th game between Daniel Webster College and Southern Vermont College. Daniel Webster College player Marquise Caudill, 22, currently of South Hadley, MA, was charged with a felony count of...
Potential changes to New Hampshire medical marijuana laws
At this point, it would be difficult not to notice that marijuana law reform has been sweeping the nation over recent years. According to the most recent data, over half of the states in the nation and the District of Columbia now allow the legal use of marijuana is...